Assalamualaikum w.b.t...apa kbar semua...semoga sentiasa dalam rahmat dan hidayahNya...mgkin hri ni ramai yg dh mulakan perjalanan tinggalkan kampong halaman...semoga dipermudahkan segala perjalanan dan selamat sampai ke destinasi...jgn lupa mulakan dengan doa safa dan doa naik kenderaan...semoga selamat sampai ke destinasi...masih lgi cuba nk update gambar2 lama...antaranya bun ni la jgk...buat msa mood meroti tgh hangat hritu...lepas buat roti paun tu buat bun burger ni plak...gna rspi sama...Alhamdulillah hasilnya memang puas hati...sbnarnya maz slalu jgk buat daging burger sdrik utk anak2 bawa bekal g sekolah...cuma xbrkesempatan lgi nak la pepgi kelam kabut nak cepat kan...nk siap sarapan lgi...nak buat bekal lgi...mna nk dan pegang kamera deh...ok la mohon diri dlu dan maaf atas segala khilaf...semoga jumpa lagi...Insyaa Allah...
Resipi : Mamafami (Roti Paun Lembut)
Ingredients - maz buat 1/2 resipi je
- 500g high protein flour - maz guna tepung gandum
- 50g milk powder
- 250ml chilled water
- 11g instant dried yeast (I used Mauripan)
- 120g castor sugar
- a few drops of yellow food coloring - kali ni maz tak letak
- 100g margarine - maz guna unsalted butter & add 1/2 tsp garam utk 1/2 resipi
1. Gease all the baking tins thoroughly. I used vegetable shortening. Keep aside.
2. Place all ingredents except margarine in a mixing bowl.
3. Fasten the dough hook onto the mixer and start kneading.
4. Once the ingrediets have just combined, add in the margarine. Knead till a soft and shiny dough is formed.
5. Remove from the bowl and rest the dough for about 10 minutes.
6. Divide the dough into a 27g balls. Shape it nicely and arrange in the prepared tins.
7. Cover the tins and leave the dough to rise till almost double the size.
8. Mix a bit of milk powder with a bit of water and brush lightly on top of the dough.
9. Bake in a preheated oven at 160 C for 15 to 20 minutes. Oven temperature and baking time may vary, depending on your oven.
10. Once baked, remove from the oven and onto a wire rack to cool.
Note : Untuk bun ni masa bahagi doh bulat tu maz tak timbang, agak je dan kurangkan sikit sukatan yis sebab resipi asal roti paun lembut.
pasni bleh start blik la mood merti tu...sbnarnya lepas buat rti 2-3x...terbuang blade BM...xperasan plastic dlm sinki tu ada blade tu yg nk dicuci...terus amik masuk tong sampah...bila nk buat rti pulak bru sedar yg blade xde...dan bru ingat yg terbuang skli dgn plastic kulit ayam...tu yg stop merti...pastu order blade baru dri service centre dia...dah dpt la sblum puasa hri tu...kecuaian sediri la kan...
Maz, dough hook untuk bread maker dah dapat yang baru ke?